Kit List

You are expected to always carry the following during the race. Failure to do so may result in time penalties or disqualification, at the discretion of the Race Directors whose decision is final. Your Kit WILL be checked at registration before races unless otherwise advised.

- Drinking Cup (we do not provide plastic cups at checkpoints)
- 500 ml water/energy drink
- Energy Bar/Nutrition
- Hat/Buff
- Head Torch
- Whistle
- Waterproof jacket with taped seams
- Emergency blanket
- Gloves
- Hard copy of the Map/Route description
- Mobile phone (with the race director’s numbers – 07950 008005 & 07702 021156 stored in it in case of emergencies). Your    phone should be left switched on

In addition; for ultramarathons (option for an additional fee for half marathon and 20 mile races)

- Tracker: We will supply this as part of your entry fee. It will be supplied in a small Velcro pouch; you should ideally attach it to    your shoulder strap facing skyward. There is a panic button in the middle of the front. If you are in danger and need rescuing, you    should press the button. If you do your race will end (we can reset though if pressed in error). a weblink will be provided during    the week prior to the race, where runners and friends and  family can watch your progress during the race.

This is the standard kit for all races, but please check the specific race in case there are any special requirements due to the weather etc.

Extra base layer: (not compulsory but strongly recommended for races on the moors)

Map/Route description: This can be downloaded from the Facebook Group for the race or from the website NOT just gpx file.

Races held during COVID – This for ALL races until further notice.

You will not be kit checked, it is your responsibility to ensure you have a full kit as above and your condition of entry is that you carry the kit required.

You must carry a buff or facemask, if we need to rescue you, you will be required to wear one, also there are sometimes shops around the course, which you may wish to use.


All awards will be equal in each category for male, female and non-binary entries.

The number of trophies awarded is dependant on numbers entered as listed below

Each veteran category for every distance will only be awarded for 1st place  A runner can be awarded two trophies.

Up to 29 Runners:
1st Place Male/Female/Non- Binary
1st MV50/FV50/Non-binary 1st Place only
1st MV60/FV60 Non-binary 1st Place only  
1st MV70/FV70/Non-binary 1st Place only

30 to 39 Runners:
1st, 2nd, Male/ Female/Non-Binary
1st MV50/FV50/Non-binary 50 1st Place only
1st MV60/FV60 /Non-binary 60 1st Place only  
1st MV70/FV70/Non-binary 70 1st Place only

40+ Runners:
1st, 2nd, 3rd Male/ Female/ Non-Binary
1st MV50/FV50/Non-binary 50 1st Place only
1st MV60/FV60 Non-binary 60 1st Place only  
1st MV70/FV70/Non-binary 70 1st Place only

We can make personalised Slate trophies for any position for a cost of £15. These are available for collection at a future event as they do not post.

Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is not serious and usually gets better when you cool down. If it turns into heat stroke it needs to be treated as an emergency.

Check for signs of heat exhaustion

The signs of heat exhaustion include:
·         headache
·         dizziness and confusion
·         loss of appetite and feeling sick
·         excessive sweating and pale, clammy skin
·         cramps in the arms, legs and stomach
·         fast breathing or pulse
·         temperature of 38C or above
·         intense thirst
The symptoms are often the same in adults and children, although children may become floppy and sleepy.

If someone is showing signs of heat exhaustion they need to be cooled down.

Things you can do to cool someone down

Follow these 4 steps:
1.     Move them to a cool place.
2.     Get them to lie down and raise their feet slightly.
3.     Get them to drink plenty of water. Sports or rehydration drinks are OK.
4.     Cool their skin – spray or sponge them with cool water and fan them. Cold packs around the armpits or neck are good too.

Stay with them until they are better.
They should start to cool down and feel better within 30 minutes.

Call 999 if the person:
·         is no better after 30 minutes
·         feels hot and dry
·         is not sweating even though they are too hot
·         has a temperature that’s risen to 40C or above
·         has rapid or shortness of breath
·         is confused
·         has a fit (seizure)
·         loses consciousness
·         is unresponsive

These can be signs of heat stroke.
While you wait for help, keep giving first aid and put them in the recovery position if they lose consciousness.

Lyme's Disease

Please be aware that there is always the danger of contracting Lymes disease from an infected tick bite.

Whilst we do not insist on full-body cover we do recommend you read the following two links and familiarise yourself with the potential risk and be aware of what to do in the event of a bite.

Lyme disease is contractable in England especially to ultrarunners and especially when running through long grass. It is possible to reduce the risk by using a DEET spray.

The Countryside Code

The Countryside Code is a standard set of guidelines for members of the public, to ensure respect and enjoyment in the countryside.

Here are the new guidelines published April 2021


Tracker: We will supply this as part of your entry fee for distances over 26.2 miles, if your race is shorter, you may hire one for an additional £15.

It should be placed in the top of your backpack or ideally in a small pocket at the front if your rucksack has one.

There is a panic button in the middle of the front. If you are in danger and need rescuing, you should press the button. If you do your race will end (we can reset though if pressed in error).

A weblink is on the race section of each event where runners and friends and family can watch your progress during the race.

Safety Support Runner (SSR) Policy & Support Teams

The safety of our runners is our no.1 priority.

Although we expect anyone who enters our races to have completed enough training and have the knowledge and experience to take on the event they have entered, because our runs go into isolated areas often during the hours of darkness, we understand that some runners may feel vulnerable.

As such, with all our races taking part in areas accessible to the public, we have no objection to a SSR joining any runner during the hours of darkness, this must be arranged by the individual runner, and we do not need to be informed of this in advance. If you require a support runner at other times, please contact us.

The following should be noted.

1) The SSR is not part of the race and therefore is not covered by our insurance or medical services.
2) We cannot take any responsibility for them whatsoever.
3) They MUST not carry any of the runner's compulsory kit.
4) They cannot use the Checkpoints (including the start and the finish) as supplies are provided based on entry numbers.

Support teams are allowed, but please check the individual race for where they are permitted. Many of our checkpoints are on the roadside or have limited access and therefore we do not allow support teams at them as we need room for our marshals and medics. If a support team is found at a prohibited checkpoint the runner will be disqualified. You are welcome to receive support around the course, but please ensure your support team does not block narrow roads or cause an obstruction.


Punk Panther policy of dogs taking part in events is necessary to ensure we take into consideration that other entrants may have a fear or can get nervous near dogs. It should be recognised that although you may be confident of the behaviour of your dogs with other people or near other dogs we have no personal knowledge of them so we need to take the following precautions.

1. Where possible dogs are left  in the vehicles at registration or with another person away from all other runners until the race starts.
2.   If this is not possible then contact the Race Directors to see if alternative registration arrangements can be made
3.  The dogs do not come to the start line until everyone has gone and then start at least 10 minutes after everyone else .
4.  All dogs should be kept apart in public area.
5.  When passing other runners as you approach them  you verbally warn them of your approach especially on some of the very narrow paths we go along.
6.  Give way where necessary when other runners arerunning towards you out and back routes.
7.  They are kept on a short lead at Checkpoints andagain away from other runners where possible.
8.  They do not enter indoor Checkpoints
9.  All our courses are on public footpaths/permissive footpaths that go through fields of livestock on every event, and they should be prepared for such fields.
10.  Diversions are allowed without penalty if an alternative route is needed to avoid livestock.
11.  At the finish area dogs are taken to a vehicle or left with another person before collecting their T-shirt and finishers medal.
12.  If this is not possible then contact the Race Director to see if alternative arrangements can be made.
13.  All canicross runners are non-competitive.

1) If you do not wish your name to appear on the entry list on the SIEntries website, please inform SiEntries direct who can alter this for you. This can be done before or after entering by emailing
2) If you are running with a tracker (ultra distances) and do not wish your name to appear on the tracker screen, please email us and supply an alternative name to appear instead. This will also go on the CP sheets so be prepared to be called by that name on the day!
3) Your results will appear under your real name (unless you request otherwise) after the event.
4) All photos taken during the race may be used on our website and social media unless you advise us that you do not wish them to appear.
5) If you have any further concerns, please contact the Race Directors in the strictest confidence.Buddy Runner We are introducing a new option for those that would like to take part in an Ultramarathon but are put off by navigation, solo running, or lack of experience.

Buddy Runner

A buddy runner is an experienced Punk Panther runner who will guide you around the course. Initially this will only be available on the 50km ultramarathon course. There will be two options a 3 mph option and a 4 mph option. This is not aimed at speed, but to give you the experience of an ultramarathon to allow you to complete one and see if you would like to do more or simply to achieve a life ambition. There are a maximum of 4 runners per group.

We have 3 mph buddies for all events already lined up, if you would like to be a 4-mph buddy, please contact us stating which event(s) you would be available for. You must have completed at least one our events and ideally have done the event in question before.If the option is not showing when you enter please contact us so that we can arrange.Inclusivity
